Giulia Bocchi was born in Asola in 1988, and is now living and working in Castel Goffredo (Northern Italy). After the High School Diploma at the Institute of Art in Guidizzolo, she graduated with a BA in Graphic Design and Multimedia from the Libera Accademia di Belle Arti in Brescia, Italy. Just after the graduation, she left Italy for London, where she spent two years. She has been creating mosaics using this very unusual material of aluminium soda cans since 2009. Using an unorthodox material such as aluminium cans to re-create a traditional and ancient technique gives Bocchi’s work a unique and contemporary edge. The detailed process means that each work can take up to 3 months to complete. This satisfies Bocchi as in a world of stress and rush where beauty can sometimes be overlooked, and in an era dominated by HD screens and computers, she feels that her mosaic finds its place. It goes against the grain of the modern day state of flux and offers something concrete, tangible, and slowly handmade. The artwork is built up using tiny pieces of aluminium which mix colour and shade, and blend to create images and portraits with an incredible precision.

“It is about destroying a banal, industrial, serial object to create something unique and unrepeatable”.